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The read-aloud is the practice of reading a text out loud to young learners, which aids their comprehension and knowledge-building.

Acknowledging that reading comprehension isn’t as developed as language comprehension in children until age 11, read-alouds hold a unique power to foster literacy skills, ignite a passion for learning, and deepen content knowledge across various subjects.

As the Core Knowledge Sequence is a content-rich, sequenced curriculum for K-8, the read-aloud is a critical component in teaching instruction. In a homeschool setting, whether that is during the traditional school year or during summer break, read-alouds present multiple opportunities for implementation.


Explore: “Getting It Right from the Start,” by Thomas G. Sticht for more information about language and reading comprehension.

The Core Knowledge Sequence emphasizes building a strong foundation of shared knowledge across key subjects. Read-alouds are an ideal way to support this goal, providing a rich context for learning:

  • Expanding Vocabulary and Comprehension: Read-alouds expose children to a wider range of vocabulary than they might encounter in their independent reading. They learn new words in context and hear how fluent reading sounds. This helps them develop stronger language skills.
  • Building Background Knowledge: Core Knowledge topics like ancient civilizations, scientific concepts, or historical events come to life through engaging stories and narratives. Read-alouds present content and information on these topics, making them more accessible when they encounter them later in their studies.
  • Fostering a Love of Learning: Reading aloud creates positive associations with books and learning. It’s a shared experience that builds connections and sparks curiosity.
  • Supporting Social-Emotional Development: Many great read-aloud books explore themes of friendship, kindness, overcoming challenges, and understanding emotions. These stories help children develop empathy and navigate their own social-emotional experiences.

1. Make it a Routine: Set aside time each day for read-alouds. This can be a regular morning session, trips to the local library, or before bedtime.

  • Kindergarten: Read aloud selections from the Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Anthology, such as “The Little Red Hen” or “Old MacDonald Had a Farm.”

2. Choose a Variety of Texts:

  • Grade 1: Explore fables and stories from different cultures using resources like CKLA Domain 1: Fables and Stories.
  • Grade 2: Dive into classic stories and trickster tales with CKLA Domain 3: Stories, including “Chicken Little” and “The Bremen Town Musicians.”
  • Grades 3-5: The Voices in History series is a collection of historical biographies intended for the read-aloud setting.

3. Extend the Learning:

  • All Grades: Discuss the stories and use the accompanying CKLA Flip Books for visual reinforcement and deeper understanding.

Don’t stop when your child learns to read independently. Continue to read aloud even as your child becomes a proficient reader. You can introduce them to more complex texts from the Core Knowledge Sequence, like excerpts from historical documents or scientific articles.

Visit your local library. Librarians can help you find books that align with the Core Knowledge domains your child is studying.

Let your child choose books, too. Giving your child agency in selecting books fosters their independence and motivates them to engage with the material.

Learning at Home

Read-alouds are a gift you can give your child that will last a lifetime. By weaving read-alouds into your homeschool routine and utilizing the rich resources offered by the Core Knowledge Foundation, you’re not just teaching them about the world – you’re helping them build knowledge and fostering a lifelong love of learning.


You can find all Core Knowledge read-alouds by searching “read aloud” from our free digital library.

The Core Knowledge curriculum is a comprehensive, content-rich curriculum based on the Core Knowledge Sequence, a detailed outline of specific knowledge and skills in language arts, history, geography, mathematics, science, and the fine arts that students should learn from preschool through grade 8.

It’s the chosen curriculum for many homeschool parents and guardians as it not only provides a sequenced, knowledge-building curriculum, but the Core Knowledge Foundation offers most of the curricular materials for free digital download.

The following is an in-depth look at the various components of implementing the Core Knowledge Sequence in a homeschool setting.

  • Shared Knowledge: Core Knowledge emphasizes a shared knowledge base for all students, ensuring they have a common understanding of key concepts in literature, history, science, and more. This shared foundation fosters meaningful discussions and deeper learning.
  • Sequenced Learning: The curriculum is carefully sequenced, building upon prior knowledge as your child progresses through each grade. This ensures a logical and comprehensive learning experience.
  • Content-Rich: The curriculum dives deep into content areas, providing students with a rich and engaging learning experience.
  • Free Downloads: The Core Knowledge Foundation offers a wealth of free downloadable materials, including teacher guides, student workbooks, and assessments. These are an excellent starting point for homeschoolers.
  • Teacher Guides: The Teacher Guide for each unit provides a teacher with the details needed to use the curriculum. Key features of our Teacher Guides for CKLA, CKHG, and CKSci include a pacing guide, activity pages, lesson plans, and guided reading support.
  • Homeschool Sets: For those who prefer physical materials, Core Knowledge offers affordable homeschool sets for History and Geography (CKHG), Science (CKSci), and Computer Science (CKCompSci).
  • Supplementary Materials: While the Core Knowledge curriculum is comprehensive, you can supplement it with additional resources like library books, educational videos, or hands-on activities to enrich the learning experience.
  • Homeschool Groups: Join our homeschool Facebook group to connect with other parents using the Core Knowledge curriculum. Share ideas, resources, and experiences to support each other’s homeschooling journeys.
  • Read Aloud: Read-alouds are an excellent way to complement the Core Knowledge curriculum and foster a love of learning.
  • Hands-on Activities: Incorporate hands-on activities to bring the curriculum to life. For example, build a model of an ancient Egyptian pyramid, conduct science experiments, or create a timeline of historical events.
  • Celebrate Learning: Celebrate your child’s accomplishments and milestones. This will help them stay motivated and engaged in their learning journey.

By following these steps and embracing the Core Knowledge philosophy, you can create a successful and enriching homeschool experience for your child.


Additional reading:

The Core Knowledge Homeschoolers page

Implementing Homeschool Instruction with the Core Knowledge Sequence

Elementary school students are familiar with computers. Many classes have computers, and many schools have computer rooms. Students have desktops, laptops, and mobile devices, so it might be easy to assume that today’s children are computer literate. A closer look by computer science educators, however, reveals many areas of computer competency and internet use that are not covered by the hit-and-miss approach to understanding of computers in our world.

The lack of a systematic, progressive, and thorough curriculum that covers ALL aspect of computer science—what Core Knowledge Foundation perceives as computer literacy—has been filled by CKSci Computer Science. This is a K-5 program, with a unit in each grade level that, taken as a whole, is a complete presentation of the broad swath of computer science.

A given elementary student may know how to log on, cut and paste, or navigate a screen, but how many can be said to have a solid, curriculum-based, grade-level-appropriate, systematic understanding of the following:

  • Computing Systems
  • Networks and the Internet
  • Data and Analysis
  • Algorithms and Programming
  • Impacts of Computing
  • Culture
  • Social Interactions
  • Safety, Ethics, Law

These broad areas of computer literacy form the basis of the CKSci Computer Science program. They are informed by the standards put forth by the Computer Science Teachers Association (CTSA). In the CKSci Computer Science curriculum these areas are covered in a carefully crafted, spiral curriculum.

How familiar are you students with these CTSA sub concepts?

We are at the stage in modern science education where it is not enough for a school child to know how to log in and play a game. Responsible education and the demands of the modern world dictate that we should prepare students by presenting ALL aspects of our modern, computerized world.

  • Hardware and software
  • Cybersecurity
  • Safety, Ethics, and Law
  • Computer culture
  • Computer program development
  • Data collection, visualization, and transformation

How does Core Knowledge Foundation meet this responsibility?

We built a curriculum that addresses computer knowledge in a beautiful and kid-friendly suite of units.

Each K-5 grade has a Student Book/Reader, Teacher Guide, and Online Resources. All books are available for purchase or free download. With each unit a downloadable guide includes a Pacing Guide, Material Supply List, standards, and other helpful information.

For many elementary teachers, the suggestion that computer science should be a part of the curriculum may seem questionable. For many teachers, precious instructional time is devoted to teaching core content area fundamentals to students.

The study of computer science, however, is becoming more and more crucial in the lives of student and for society at large. Also, this curriculum is consistent with the Core Knowledge approach to learning. Knowledge builds upon knowledge, and computer science builds upon the foundational understanding that many devices share basic underlying technology. And that technology connects us all through shared processes and shared communication.

Core Knowledge Computer Science K-5 is avant-garde, breaking new ground in elementary education by offering a systematic, logical, spiraling curriculum in what will become an important, essential body of knowledge for young students.

In the last months of 2020, the Lake Havasu City School District, located on the western side of Arizona, decided to make a shift in curriculum. This decision was one that would change the trajectory of the students who attend their six elementary schools and their one middle school. The Superintendent and School Board chose to implement CKLA in grade K-5, CKHG in grade 3-8 and CKSci in grades 3-5 in one massive move for the 2020-2021 school year. With the world turned upside in the mist of the pandemic, this dedicated group of individuals kept to their promise to change instruction in the district by implementing Core Knowledge curricula in August of 2021.

Since then, Lake Havasu City Schools have flourished using Core Knowledge.  With the support of the incredible district instructional coaches, Core Knowledge is alive in every classroom and students are reaping the rewards. We had the opportunity to visit classrooms to record exemplar CKHG lessons in grades 3,4,5 and 7.  We saw skilled teachers executing lessons with passion and commitment and students who were excited and engaged with the content. We cannot thank them enough for allowing us into their classrooms to record their lessons.

We would like to share with all of you a link to a video of the teachers and students of the Lake Havasu City School District. Please enjoy watching as they talk about the importance of building a strong foundation of shared knowledge.

About the Lake Havasu City School District:

  • 5,346 students
  • 54.71% free and reduced lunch
  • 14% SPED
  • 4% Gifted
  • 577 staff members
  • 27 National Board Certified Teachers

Over the last few years, schools around the country have made a concerted effort to emphasize character education in curriculum. These efforts can vary from formal curricula to teachers being given a particular virtue or trait to “highlight” that month. In the case of the latter, teachers are often left to find the time and resources to fill a tasked requirement.

As with so much in education, finding a way to meet multiple needs with a single resource can be the key to incorporating the development of character virtues in students while not sacrificing valuable instructional time. This is where using a biography for a read-aloud can be useful.

Developing Students’ Character Virtues

Character virtues can effectively be developed through reading stories to students, especially if those stories are about real people. This idea of instilling the values of a culture through stories is one that can be traced back to Aristotle. He argued that cultural stories hold a power that can inspire emotions and motivations necessary for virtues to develop.

Biographies of historical figures are tools to introduce students to real-life role models for morality and virtues across cultures and throughout history. These accounts can serve as effective educational tools by providing relatable stories of real individuals who faced challenges and overcame them, inspiring students to emulate positive qualities.

Biographical narratives can cultivate empathy and understanding, enhancing students’ sense of connection to historical figures and their struggles. Providing students with exemplar narratives can also give students a glimpse into the good and the bad of a person’s character and their moral development.

The Value of Flawed Heroes

In biographies of historical figures, the main characters are most often portrayed as heroes, even if they are shown to have flaws. This is where inspiring class discussions can take place. Many of these figures are strong moral role models, because they have already overcome their own weaknesses or traits that are perceived as negative.

Having meaningful discussions about historical “heroes” with students can provide an opportunity for them to see how moral characteristics are represented in others while reflecting on how they can improve their own positive character traits and virtues. Within these discussions, it can be acknowledged that even heroes have flaws; it is how you overcome those flaws that is important.

Biographies from The Core Knowledge Foundation

The Core Knowledge Foundation has created its Voices in History series to help teachers and students learn more about famous and not-so-famous historical figures. This series encourages young readers to learn about real superheroes in history. As a result of acts of extraordinary bravery, ingenuity, strength, and determination, these people made a difference and changed the world. Perhaps their remarkable stories will inspire young readers to become the superheroes of the future.

The Voices in History series includes famous figures like Helen Keller, Thomas Edison, and Abraham Lincoln and not-so-famous figures like Toypurina, Federico Fernández Cavada, and Susan La Flesche Picotte.

Each written by an award-winning author, these books are designed to be read independently or read aloud in a classroom setting. The people featured in this series appear in the Core Knowledge Sequence and in the following curriculum programs: CKLA, CKHG, and CKSci.These books are suitable for readers aged 8 and up.

Our approach to curriculum and learning is organized around the idea that what students learn and know at each grade level matters. The Core Knowledge Sequence is a curriculum that represents our best effort to identify and describe the specific core of shared knowledge that all children should learn in U.S. schools.

The Sequence is intended to help children establish strong foundations of knowledge grade-by-grade from preschool through grade eight, whether in a classroom or homeschool setting.

For parents and guardians responsible for their child’s homeschool education, we have guidance available for implementing the Core Knowledge Sequence, as well as resources available for free download.

An Introduction to the Teacher Guide

The Teacher Guide for each unit provides a teacher, whether in a classroom or a homeschool setting, with the details needed to use the curriculum. Key features of our Teacher Guides for CKLA, CKHG, and CKSci include:

  • An introduction to what students will learn and why: Learn about the scope of each unit by reading the Introduction and seeing an overview of what materials you will need to organize in order to implement the unit well.
  • Pacing Guides: Suggested pacing and/or the total length of a unit is outlined in the Introduction section of each unit.
  • Activity Pages: In CKHG and CKSci, these pages are found in the back of the Teacher Guide. While most CKLA units offer activity pages as stand-alone resources, activity descriptions and answer keys are always provided in the Teacher Guide.
  • Lesson Plans: The interior of each Teacher Guide offers step-by-step instructions for what knowledge-based schooling looks like. The lesson plans in each guide offer instructions for activities to do with your children and guiding discussion questions to dig into the content.
  • Guided Reading Support: The Teacher Guides also include prompts and guidance for how to use the Student Book, Student Reader, or read-aloud text with your young readers in order to check for understanding and build literacy skills.

Implementing the Core Knowledge Sequence for At-Home Instruction

Determine Time Needed for Instruction

The first step for determining your homeschool schedule is to start with a realistic assessment of how much time you can dedicate to teaching your child, or children, each day. While parents and guardians may not be able to provide a typical six-hour school day, keep in mind that working one-on-one or in a small group can be more efficient than a teacher with a large classroom.

Priorities for Grades K–2: Higher Involvement Needed

Next, prioritize areas of instruction within your allotted time. Students in grades K–2, and other beginning readers, will be less capable of working on their own and will require more guidance and attention. At these grade levels, if you are only able to set aside 1–2 hours daily to teach, we recommend that you primarily focus on reading and math instruction.

Priorities for Grades 3–8: Fostering Reading Independence

Students in Grade 3, and above, can often work with some degree of independence. For example, many can read multiple pages or chapters for 15–20 minutes without assistance, and can complete assignments or projects with minimal guidance. As students get older, their attention span and perseverance increase, allowing for longer periods of instruction. Take advantage of this by planning for longer blocks of instruction.

Free Resources Available for Download

You can download and use the FREE materials on a laptop or print out Teacher Guides and Student Books. The Foundation also offers Core Knowledge History and Geography (CKHG) and Core Knowledge Science (CKSci) resources available as affordable Homeschool Sets.  The CKHG and CKSci materials, available for download at no cost, are exactly the same as the print materials offered for purchase.

Other Helpful Tips

  • Download or purchase all of the teacher and student-facing materials in advance. This will provide you with time to preview the Student Book, Student Reader, or Read-Aloud Anthology.
  • Before sitting down with your child to work through each lesson, carefully review the entire lesson so that you are familiar with the content and have all materials readily available.
  • Listen to our Building Knowledge podcast with veteran homeschooler, Julie Freickert. Julie shares what parents should consider when thinking about homeschooling with Core Knowledge as well as discusses the resources available through her “Homeschool Work Plan” website.

Connect with Other Core Knowledge Homeschool Instructors

We have a growing network of more than 1,600 homeschooling parents on our Facebook Discussion Group.

You may also be interested in connecting with us across these social networks:

Links to Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, Stay in the Know sign up, and Pinterest

This post is geared toward middle school instruction; if you’re looking for information regarding K-5 instruction, find that post here.

Middle school is a critical stage of academic development, where students transition from the foundational skills of elementary education to the more complex concepts of higher-level learning. In this journey, literacy remains a cornerstone, enabling students to comprehend, analyze, and communicate effectively across all subject areas. We intentionally constructed the Core Knowledge CKLA Curriculum for 6-8 to develop reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills, while simultaneously building content knowledge. This approach offers a powerful framework to embed literacy skills seamlessly into middle school instruction. As educators and administrators, let’s explore strategies to reinforce literacy in various subjects using the Core Knowledge Curriculum.

1. Interdisciplinary Exploration:

The Core Knowledge Curriculum encourages interdisciplinary connections, emphasizing the interwoven nature of knowledge. Seize this opportunity to immerse students in texts related to the subjects they study. When possible, classroom and special area teachers coordinate the timing of instruction. For example, in grade 7, students learn about the Harlem Renaissance in ELA, and they listen and learn about Jazz and Blues music in music class.

2. Vocabulary Enrichment Reimagined:

Middle school is a time for vocabulary expansion. Leverage the rich vocabulary embedded in the Core Knowledge Curriculum to introduce new words in context. Encourage students to not only learn the definitions in context, using outside resources when necessary, but to also apply them in discussions, written assignments, and presentations across subjects.

3. Writing Integration:

Effective communication through writing is essential. Integrate writing assignments into subjects beyond the language arts class. In science, have students write research papers on scientific phenomena. In social studies, ask them to craft persuasive essays on historical events. This approach reinforces literacy skills while enhancing content knowledge.

4. Literature Across Subjects:

Literature isn’t limited to language arts alone. Infuse literary works into history, science, and other subjects. Analyzing characters, themes, and symbolism across disciplines deepens comprehension and cross connections.

5. Research and Information Literacy:

Middle school marks the beginning of more rigorous research projects. Teach students how to access and evaluate information effectively. This includes identifying credible sources, conducting thorough research, and citing references properly.

6. Debate and Discussion:

Engage students in debates and discussions on controversial topics relevant to their subjects. This develops their ability to articulate arguments, listen actively, and formulate responses—all vital components of comprehensive literacy.

7. Creative Projects with Writing:

Encourage creativity by assigning projects that involve writing. For instance, in art class, students can write artist statements explaining the inspiration behind their work. In mathematics, they can create story problems that require mathematical reasoning and writing.

8. Cross-Curricular Projects:

Foster collaboration between subjects by designing cross-curricular projects. For instance, a project on earthquakes can involve science, geography, and language arts. This holistic approach reinforces literacy while highlighting the interconnectedness of knowledge.

9. Digital Literacy Integration:

Today’s world demands digital literacy. Incorporate technology by having students research and present using digital tools. Teach them to navigate online resources, critically evaluate information, and communicate effectively through digital mediums.

10. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs):

Teachers can collaborate within Professional Learning Communities to share best practices for embedding literacy in their middle school subjects. PLCs also share instructional strategies and resources that enhance learning, design common objectives and assessments that enhance instruction and build equity, and discuss data and how to adjust instruction based on results. This collective effort enhances instructional techniques and supports a unified approach to comprehensive literacy.

Fostering comprehensive literacy in middle school through the Core Knowledge Curriculum equips students with the skills they need to excel academically and beyond. By embracing interdisciplinary exploration, vocabulary enrichment, analytical reading, integrated writing, cross-subject literature, literature circles, research skills, debate, creative projects, cross-curricular endeavors, digital literacy, and collaborative professional development, educators and administrators can guide students towards a future where they are capable of critically engaging with diverse subjects and effectively conveying their insights. Middle school is a pivotal time in shaping well-rounded learners, and the integration of Core Knowledge Approach into instruction paves the way for their success.

This post is geared toward K-5 instruction; if you’re looking for information regarding middle school instruction, find that post here.

As educators, we understand the profound impact that literacy skills have on a student’s academic success and lifelong learning journey. Literacy goes beyond reading, i.e., decoding and understanding a single text,  and writing —it’s about comprehending, analyzing, and effectively communicating ideas across all subject areas. One powerful approach to achieving comprehensive literacy is through the Core Knowledge Curriculum. Developed by the Core Knowledge Foundation, this curriculum framework offers a structured way to infuse literacy skills throughout K-5 instruction, fostering a deep understanding of diverse topics while honing essential reading and writing abilities.

Be sure to check out our FAQs on K-5 CKLA for more information.

1. Embrace Interdisciplinary Connections:

The Core Knowledge Curriculum thrives on interdisciplinary connections, where various subjects are intertwined to create a holistic learning experience. Use this approach to your advantage by encouraging students to read texts related to the subject they’re studying. For example, if the science unit is about animals, provide reading materials on the same topic. If the history class is exploring ancient civilizations, provide reading materials that align with the historical period, building a deeper understanding of the era while honing literacy skills.  This not only reinforces literacy skills but also deepens students’ understanding of the subject matter.

2. Vocabulary Enrichment:

A robust vocabulary is the foundation of effective communication and comprehension. The Core Knowledge Curriculum is designed with rich vocabulary in mind. Make it a practice to introduce new words to students and ensure they understand their meanings within the context of the subject. Encourage students to use these words in their discussions, writing assignments, and even presentations.

3. Close Reading Strategies:

Close reading involves analyzing a text in-depth, focusing on understanding its nuances, themes, and author’s intent. Incorporate close reading techniques across subjects, encouraging students to critically engage with texts. Provide guiding questions that prompt them to explore the text’s structure, tone, and underlying messages.

4. Writing Across the Curriculum:

Effective writing skills are essential for expressing thoughts coherently. Infuse writing assignments into every subject area. For instance, in history, ask students to draft a letter from a historical figure’s perspective. In science, have them write research reports on various topics. This approach not only strengthens their writing skills but also reinforces their knowledge of different subjects.

5. Literature-Based Learning:

The Core Knowledge Curriculum emphasizes the importance of classic literature. Integrate age-appropriate literary works into your lessons. Apart from standalone literature classes, use literary texts to teach history, science, and even art. Encourage discussions about characters’ motivations, settings, and themes to promote critical thinking and literacy.

6. Interactive Notebooks:

Interactive notebooks are a creative way to engage students in active learning and reinforce literacy. Have students create personalized notebooks for each subject. In these notebooks, they can write summaries, reflections, and reactions to what they’re learning. This process helps them process information and express their thoughts effectively.

7. Inquiry-Based Learning:

Encourage curiosity and critical thinking by implementing inquiry-based learning, based on what they are currently reading. Pose open-ended questions that require students to explore and analyze information from various sources. This approach strengthens their research and reading skills as they seek answers and engage with different viewpoints.

8. Socratic Seminars:

Socratic seminars provide a platform for student-led discussions. Select a compelling text related to the subject, and facilitate a discussion where students share their insights, ask probing questions, and build upon each other’s ideas. This approach cultivates strong communication skills and encourages active listening.

9. Cross-Grade Collaborations:

Create opportunities for students of different grades to collaborate on projects. For instance, older students can mentor younger ones in reading comprehension activities. This approach, known to us as the Core Knowledge Sequence, promotes peer learning, fosters a sense of community, and reinforces literacy skills across different age groups.

10. Utilize Technology Wisely:

Integrate technology tools that promote literacy while aligning with the Core Knowledge Curriculum. Explore interactive websites, educational apps, and multimedia resources that enhance students’ reading, writing, and comprehension abilities.

11. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs):

Teachers can collaborate within Professional Learning Communities to share successful strategies for integrating literacy into their subject areas. These communities provide a space for discussing challenges, sharing resources, and refining instructional techniques.

Reinforcing literacy skills across all subject areas and specials through the Core Knowledge Curriculum offers a robust framework for nurturing well-rounded learners. By embracing interdisciplinary connections, vocabulary enrichment, close reading, writing across the curriculum, literature-based learning, guided reading groups, interactive notebooks, inquiry-based learning, Socratic seminars, cross-grade collaborations, technology integration, and collaborative professional development, educators can empower students to excel academically and beyond. As teachers and administrators, your commitment to embedding literacy within the Core Knowledge Curriculum will undoubtedly shape a generation of lifelong learners who are capable of critically engaging with diverse subjects and effectively communicating their insights.

Core Knowledge Foundation and Louisiana Department of Education Partnership Announcement

The Louisiana Department of Education and the non-profit Core Knowledge Foundation® have entered into a partnership to create Bayou Bridges: A K-8 Louisiana Social Studies Curriculum. The materials will be designed to align with the student expectations of the  2022 K-8 Louisiana Student Standards for Social Studies and will be created using criteria similar to the quality indicators of the Louisiana instructional materials review rubric.  Further, these materials will advance Louisiana Literacy by building explicit content knowledge and disciplinary literacy. All units will emphasize primary sources and be reviewed by subject matter experts, typically university professors.

Bayou Bridges: A K-8 Louisiana Social Studies Curriculum will be an Open Educational Resource available for free download and free use non commercially. Low-cost print copies of these materials will also be available for purchase.

Work is underway and all Bayou Bridges units will be posted online on both the Louisiana Department of Education and  Core Knowledge Foundation® sites by June, 2024. Both parties are excited about this partnership and eager to provide high quality instructional materials for social studies.

for Grades 6 – 8

Designed to Build Knowledge and
Skills Systematically & Coherently

Remember–Knowledge Builds on Knowledge!

  • Aligned to the 2023 Core Knowledge Sequence & the CCSS
  • Intentionally constructed to develop reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and writing skills, while simultaneously building content knowledge
  • Each unit includes a Teacher Guide, Student Book, Student Activity Book and Teacher Handbook for Working with ELL Students

CKLA Grade 6

Unit 1: Flying Lessons & Other Stories
Unit 2: Calling All Minds: How to Think and Create Like an Inventor
Unit 3: The Heritage of Ancient Greece and Rome
Unit 4: The Iliad, the Odyssey, and Other Greek Stories
Unit 5: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
Unit 6: 90 Miles to Havana
Unit 7: The Blessings of Liberty – Vol. 1
Unit 8: Realms of Gold – Vol. 1

Available for Free Download and/or Purchase

CKLA Grade 7

Unit 1: Hello Universe
Unit 2: The Tempest
Unit 3: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Unit 4: The Time Machine
Unit 5: Realms of Gold – Vol. 2
Unit 6: The Genius of the Harlem Renaissance
Unit 7: Anne Frank’s Tales from the Secret Annex
Unit 8: Code Talker

Available for Free Download
Will be available for Purchase February 1, 2023

CKLA Grade 8

Unit 1: In Progress: Short Stories About Young Latinos
Unit 2: Frankenstein
Unit 3: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Unit 4: The Genius of the Harlem Renaissance, Part II
Unit 5: A More Perfect Union
Unit 6: The Squatter and the Don
Unit 7: The Importance of Being Earnest
Unit 8: Realms of Gold – Vol. 3

In Development
Will be available May 1, 2023