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Louisiana Bayou Bridges Grade 6

Grade 6 of the Louisiana Bayou Bridges Curriculum Series covers the beginnings of the United States, from European exploration of North America to the writing and ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Students will read about various European expeditions across North America and explore what life was like in the first European colonies on the eastern seaboard. They will learn about the growth of colonial America, its development into distinct regions, and the unique experience of Louisiana as a French and a Spanish colony. Students will engage with founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Federalist Papers as they investigate the colonies’ pursuit of independence and the new nation’s attempts to form a lasting and stable government.

Instruction Time: 45–55 minutes per class period


Each unit includes the following:

TEACHER GUIDE: Each Teacher Guide explains the program components and provides suggested pacing, detailed lesson plans, activity page masters, and chapter and unit assessments.

STUDENT READER: Each Student Reader is engagingly written and richly illustrated with maps and color images. Each volume includes primary sources, vocabulary call-outs, and a glossary.

ONLINE RESOURCES: The Online Resources for each unit provides links to background information for teachers, timeline card slide decks, resources to support guided reading, and additional activities, including artifact studies, primary source examinations, and virtual field trips.

Louisiana Bayou Bridges Grade 6 English

Grade 6 Units

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Unit 1: The Exploration and Settlement of North America UNIT MATERIALS

The Age of Exploration in North America began in the 1500s CE, when European explorers searched for spices, gold, and a Northwest Passage. These explorations led to the establishment of the first European colonies.

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Unit 2: Colonial America UNIT MATERIALS

Britain’s thirteen colonies developed into three regions, each with its own culture and economy, including the use of enslaved workers. Despite the brutality of slavery, enslaved people built a unique African American culture in the colonies.

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Unit 3: Colonial Louisiana UNIT MATERIALS

From Spanish exploration to its development under French and Spanish rule, colonial Louisiana experienced many changes. The legacies of colonial rule endure in Louisiana’s architecture, legal system, and diverse population, contributing to the state’s distinct culture.

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Unit 4: The Road to Independence UNIT MATERIALS

Following the French and Indian War, Great Britain sought to tighten its control over the American colonies. These efforts, along with disagreements about principles of government, led the colonists to seek independence from Britain.

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Unit 5: Founding a New Nation UNIT MATERIALS

The first U.S. national government, created during the Revolutionary War, had serious shortcoming, so in 1787, a group of Americans met and created a plan of federal government that we still use today.

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Unit 6: The Government of a New Nation UNIT MATERIALS

Debate during the Constitution’s ratification process led to the addition of the Bill of Rights. The Constitution organized a government according to the principles of popular sovereignty, limited government, federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances.