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Louisiana Bayou Bridges Grade 3

Grade 3 of the Louisiana Bayou Bridges Curriculum Series introduces students to the study of primary sources as they explore episodes in U.S. history, from its founding to the digital age. Students will explore the nation’s geography, government, and symbols. They will read excerpts from founding documents and presidential speeches. They will learn how the country has changed since its founding, through westward expansion, industrialization, urbanization, and reform movements such as abolitionism, women’s suffrage, and the civil rights movement. They will “meet” reformers such as Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, and Theodore Roosevelt, as well as inventors Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, George Washington Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, and the Wright Brothers and explorers Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and Sacagawea.

Instruction Time: 45–55 minutes per class period


Each unit includes the following:

TEACHER GUIDE: Each Teacher Guide explains the program components and provides suggested pacing, detailed lesson plans, activity page masters, and chapter and unit assessments.

STUDENT READER: Each Student Reader is engagingly written and richly illustrated with maps and color images. Each volume includes primary sources, vocabulary call-outs, and a glossary.

ONLINE RESOURCES: The Online Resources for each unit provides links to background information for teachers, timeline card slide decks, resources to support guided reading, and additional activities, including artifact studies, primary source examinations, and virtual field trips.

Louisiana Bayou Bridges Grade 3 English

Grade 3 Units

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Unit 1: The Founding of the United States of America UNIT MATERIALS

In the late 1700s, years of protest, sacrifice, and compromise bring about the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution, resulting in a new nation with a government in which the people have a voice.

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Unit 2: Papers and Places UNIT MATERIALS

Learn about the framework of the Constitution that the United States government follows, as well as how the nation’s fifty states are often grouped into different regions with unique geographic, economic, and cultural characteristics.

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Unit 3: A Growing Nation UNIT MATERIALS

In the 1800s, the United States expands west across the North American continent. Lewis and Clark embark on their famous expedition, followed later by large numbers of settlers, displacing many Native Americans in the process.

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Unit 4: A Changing Nation UNIT MATERIALS

The Industrial Revolution of the early 1800s deepens the rift between the North and South, which are already sharply divided by the issue of slavery. The rise of abolitionism and the election of President Abraham Lincoln spark civil war.

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Unit 5: A Nation of Industry and Innovation UNIT MATERIALS

The late 1800s and early 1900s marked a significant shift in the United States as the rise of big business ushered in an era of industrialization and urbanization across the country.

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Unit 6: Toward a More Perfect Union UNIT MATERIALS

In the 1800s and 1900s, when faced with injustice, ordinary people begin to make extraordinary changes via the women’s suffrage and the civil rights movements.

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Unit 7: An Ever-Advancing Nation UNIT MATERIALS

The competitive spirit of the Space Race paves the way for a new digital age. Advancements in digital technology continue to change the way Americans work, communicate, and consume.